
    Best WordPress Plugins

    WordPress is one of the most loved and used CMS in the world. As a WordPress Development Company, we can assure you that the availability of many amazing WordPress plugins is the primary reason why people like working with WordPress so much. There is no aspect of running a WordPress website that cannot be easily handled with the help of a plugin.

    Contact Form7, Yoast WordPress SEO, W3 Total Cache, WooCommerce, W3 Super Cache, Google Analyticator, Google XML Sitemap, and Akismet are some of the most commonly used plugins which every WordPress user knows about. While on one hand there are hundreds of popular WordPress plugins that are used commonly by the most SEO Agencies, on the other hand, there are several other plugins which you may never have heard about, but which are extremely useful.

    Curious to know more about these Best WordPress plugins?

    No need to go anywhere else. This 125+ Best WordPress plugins list has some of the handiest plugins which can help you in managing the simplest to the most complicated aspects of running a WordPress website. Top it up with a cherry by using them alongside the most downloaded WordPress Checklist on the Internet, ever!

    Free Bonus: Click here to get access to a Free WordPress Plugins PDF that has a complete list of Amazing WordPress plugins from this post (The PDF also includes 22 BONUS PLUGINS you’ll not find here).

    Contact Form Plugins

    Bootstrap for Contact Form 7

    The feedback form is an important and often overlooked aspect of a website. However, if you are running a website which particularly relies on regular feedback and interactions with clients or visitors, then as a web development company in Mumbai, we advise that you have a proper and optimised Contact or Feedback form for your website. WordPress has a number of useful plugins, like the famous Contact Form 7, which can help in setting up an appropriate contact form on your website, as per your requirements. But, apart from that plugin, there are several lesser known plugins which can really prove useful when it comes to Contact Form. Some of those are listed below;

    • WPForms Drag & Drop Form Builder for WordPress.
    • Contact Form 7 Dynamic Text Extension Lets you create pre-populated fields based on other values and allows dynamic generation of content for a text input box via shortcode.
    • Bootstrap for Contact Form 7 Modifies the Contact Form 7 Plugin's output and makes it compatible with themes using the latest Bootstrap CSS framework.
    • Contact Form Database Saves the data submitted through the form to the WordPress database, and also exports it to a file while using short codes to display it.
    • Contact Form 7 Datepicker Let's you add a date field to Contact Form 7 Plugin, using JQuery UI's datepicker.
    • Contact Form 7 Leads Tracking Allows you to track any user who filled the form, once you add a tacking info short code to any outgoing email in Contact Form 7.
    • Contact Form 7- Success Page Redirects Is an add-on to Contact Form 7, this plugin automatically redirects the visitors to Thank You or Success Pages, if their messages are successfully delivered.
    • Contact Form 7 Signature Add On Adds a handwritten signature field to Contact Form 7 via a signature pad, with the help of Szymon Nowak’s great Javascript library.
    • WordPress Contact Form Plugin All the free tools you need to capture, track, and convert leads on your WordPress-powered website.
    • Contact Form 7- PayPal Integration Is developed by an official PayPal Partner, this plugin seamlessly integrates PayPal to each contact form.
    • Contact Form 7 Modules Adds useful modules like 'Hidden Fields' and 'Send All Fields' to the Contact Form 7 plugin.
    • Contact Form 7 Multi-Step Forms Enables the creation of multi-page, multi-step forms with the Contact Form 7 plugin.

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    Terms & Taxonomy Plugins

    Terms and Taxonomy plugins

    If your WordPress website has posts, tags and pages which are divided into various categories, then you will definitely need some resourceful plugins which are dedicated to terms and taxonomy. These plugins will help you in managing your categories, no matter how extensive they might be, and make it simple for you and your visitors to use your website. Some unfamiliar yet useful Terms and Taxonomy WordPress plugins are;

    • Custom Taxonomy Order NE Helps you in ordering of the categories and custom taxonomy terms, through a simple drag-and-drop interface.
    • Category Order & Taxonomy Terms Order Helps in ordering categories, child terms, and all custom taxonomy terms hierarchically, through a Drag & Drop Sortable Javascript capability.
    • Term Management Tools Allows you to reorganize your tags and categories by merging terms, swapping term taxonomies, and setting term parents in bulk.
    • Types Helps in managing the WordPress admin by adding custom fields, custom post types and custom taxonomies.

    Images & Videos Plugins

    Compress JPEG PNG Images plugin

    As a web development company in Mumbai, we know for a fact that when it comes to the visual appeal of the blog, nothing can do the trick as well as captivating images and videos. This is why, all blogs these days, regardless of their nature, are filled with pictures, infographics, GIF's, and videos, that would keep the audience engaged and get them to come back for more. The below mentioned, slightly lesser known plugins will help you with the minutest aspect of getting your images and videos published, right!

    • Image Watermark Allows to automatically watermark images uploaded to the WordPress Media Library, including bulk watermarking for previously uploaded images.
    • Regenerate Thumbnails Helps regenerate thumbnails for all image uploads, including individual as well as multiple image uploads.
    • Compress JPEG & PNG Images Automatically optimizes the JPEG and PNG images on your website by integrating with the compression services of TinyJPG and TinyPNG.
    • Video Thumbnails Eases the process of automatically displaying a video thumbnail by finding the first video embedded and retrieving a thumbnail, which can then be easily saved in the media library.
    • Imsanity Resizes huge image uploads to sizes which are more appropriate for browsers, while also being large enough for general website use.
    • Featured Video Plus Smoothly adds a Featured Video to your posts and pages and displays it in place of the featured image.
    • Hide Featured Image Allows you to show or hide featured image from single post page so that you can choose to post or not post a featured image for your posts.

    SEO & Social Plugins

    wp to twitter plugin

    SEO and Social Media Marketing have become two of the most important aspects of any website. You may have the most beautiful, smooth and functional website, but if your SEO and social media settings are not in place, you will not get the right amount of visitors and their attention. In addition to the SEO Checklist & Yoast SEO plugin, which is the best SEO plugin out of all, there are quite a few other WordPress SEO as well as social media plugins, which will make your website a favourite among search engines and visitors alike. They are;

    • Add To Any Share Buttons Allows users to share the posts and pages on your website to various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Reddit and many others.
    • WP To Twitter Sends an update on your Twitter profile when you publish a new post on your WordPress website, or add a link using a chosen URL shortening service.
    • SEO Smart Links Provides automatic, smart SEO benefits for your WordPress website, including addition to custom keyword lists, nofollow, interlinking, keyword setup, etc.
    • SEO Facebook Comment Inserts Facebook Comment Form, Open Graph Tags, and all Facebook comments into your WordPress database, to improve the SEO of the website.
    • Google Analytics Dashboard Plugin for WordPress by Analytify makes Google Analytics simple for everywhere in WordPress (posts, pages and custom post types). It presents the statistics from Google Analytics in a beautiful way under the WordPress Posts/Pages at front end, backend and in its own Dashboard.
    • Click To Tweet Helps in creating tweetable content in the form of beautiful Click to Tweet boxes anywhere on your blog post.
    • Local SEO & Business Listings Allows you to optimize your business website with the help of a Step by Step Actionable Local SEO Tips and a variety of other SEO Tools proven to improve search engine rankings.
    • Naked Social Share Is specially designed for theme designers, this plugin provides simple, unstyled social share icons.
    • WP Font Awesome Share Icons Utilizes Font Awesome Icons and displays share button links before, after or wherever you want, in the post.
    • SEO Data Transporter Allows you to transfer inputs SEO data from one theme/plugin to another, when switching themes or dropping plugins.
    • Social Login Is a Free WordPress plugin that allows users to login, comment and register using any of 30+ social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, Google, PayPal, LinkedIn, LiveJournal, Instagram, and more.
    • All In One Rich Snippets Helps in improving SEO and rankings and boosting CTR. Also, supports all content types and works well with Facebook, Google, Yahoo and Bing.
    • Smart Google Code Inserter Simplifies the adding of Google Analytics tracking code and the meta tag verification of Webmaster Tools, along with AdWords Code.
    • MonsterInsights Google Analytics for WordPress.
    • Swifty Bar Adds sticky bar at the end of the post, showing category, post title, author, time needed to read the article, social sharing buttons and previous/next post links.

    Learn more about the Social Media Services that we offer.

    Posts & Pages Plugins

    Posts and Pages plugin

    The most important parts of your WordPress website will be the posts and pages you display on it. Hence, it is highly essential that you have the right plugins to take care of your posts and pages, so that you don't have to worry about how they are published or displayed to your users. Some of the lesser known WordPress plugins related to Posts and Pages are listed below;

    • Duplicate Post Allows you to clone a page or post, or edit it as a new draft.
    • Custom Permalinks Lets you create your preferred site layout by allowing you to set custom permalinks on every post, tag or category.
    • Pre-Publish Post Checklist Lets you create to-do lists for WordPress posts, allowing you to create custom checklist items and control how a user publishes a post. In other words, it prevents you from accidentally publishing a post.
    • CMS Page Order Helps you change the order of the pages with a quick drag-and-drop feature.
    • CMS Tree Page View Gives you a great overview in the form of a tree view of all your pages and posts, and also comes with options to drop-and-drag, for re-ordering and adding multiple pages.
    • Simple Page Ordering Helps you in ordering your pages, hierarchical custom post types, or custom post types with page attributes, with a simple drag-and-drop feature from the built-in page list.
    • Display Posts Shortcode Allows users to easily display listings of posts without knowing PHP or editing template files.
    • Post Types Order Allows you to reorder the posts for any custom post types, with the help of a Drag and Drop Sortable Javascript AJAX interface.
    • Bulk Page Creator Saves your time while you are setting up your WordPress website, by allowing you to create multiple pages in a batch/bulk manner.
    • Convert Post Types Helps in bulk conversion of posts and pages to a custom post type or vice versa.
    • Table Press Allows you to embed beautiful and feature-rich tables into your posts and pages, without any need for writing code.
    • Editorial Calendar Gives you an overview of each post on your blog and when it will be published, and helps you manage it with a drag-and-drop feature.

    Search & Comments Plugins

    search exclude plugin

    One thing which you don't want, is for your users to get stuck or lost while commentating or searching something on your website. The ease with which your visitors can search something on your website or comment on any of your posts, will be determined by the kind of plugins you've installed on your WordPress website. If you do not have any plugins for the same, here are some less common, but handy WordPress plugins for Search and Comments;

    • Disable Comments Allows administrators to globally disable comments on any post types on their website, so that these settings cannot be overridden for individual posts.
    • Ajaxy Live Search Retrieves search results from your blog using the same functionality and theme as Facebook.
    • Subscribe to Comments Reloaded Allows commentators to sign-up for email notifications of subsequent entries, and also enables them to unsubscribe from whichever posts they want or suspend all notifications.
    • Better Search Replace Helps in updating the URL's and other text in the database.
    • Search Everything Improves WordPress' default search functionality without modifying any of the template pages, in three simple steps.
    • Relevanssi- A Better Search Replaces the standard WordPress search with a better, partial-match search, that sorts results by relevance and indexes comments and shortcode content.
    • Comment Redirect Redirects commentors on their first comment and takes them to a page of your choice, to lead them to subscribe or like you on Facebook.
    • Yoast Comment Hacks Helps in managing your comments by utilizing some simple Yoast hacks.
    • Search Exclude Lets you exclude any page, post or anything else from the WordPress search results by checking off the relevant check box on the particular post/page.
    • No Page Comment Gives you full control over the standard comment and trackback settings on new posts, pages and custom post types.
    • Ultimate WP Query Search Filter Allows you to filter searches through post types, taxonomies and meta fields, and displays the results via search template or Ajax.
    • Delete All Comments Easily Deletes all the pending as well as approved comments from your WordPress database easily.

    Sitemap & URLs Plugins

    wp sitemap page

    Your website's sitemap will determine how the search engines will crawl through your website. And since sitemaps can come in a variety of different formats, it is essential that you have some dedicated plugins in place for your sitemap. Similarly, even the URL of your website and the different pages and posts you publish on it, or link to/from it, play an important role in your website's search engine rankings. So here are some lesser known but truly handy WordPress plugins for Sitemap and URLs;

    • Slick Sitemap This is a flexible and easily configurable plugin which adds a slick HTML sitemap of your site by entering the short code [ slick-sitemap ] (without spaces). Does not require any coding.
    • WP Sitemap Page Improves the SEO and navigation of the website by enabling you to add a sitemap on any of your pages using the simple short code [ wp_sitemap_page ] (without spaces).
    • Simple WP Sitemap Adds both XML and HTML sitemaps to your WordPress website, both of which automatically maintain and update themselves.
    • Simple URLs Allows you to create, manage, and monitor outbound links from your website.
    • Pretty Link Lite Helps in shrinking, beautifying, tracking, managing, and sharing any URL of or on your WordPress website. It also creates links that look as per your preference, using your own domain name.
    • WP Redirects Adds a new post type and creates redirects, without any configuration.
    • Quick Page/Post Redirect Plugin Redirects pages/posts to other pages/posts or external URLs, with the help of the specified redirect URL and type (301, 302, 307, meta).

    Download Management Plugins

    Download Monitor plugin

    Managing the download options on your WordPress website can be a tricky task, especially if you have multiple download options on your site. However, thanks to the tons of helpful WordPress plugins available, it can be a cakewalk to manage the download features on your website. In addition to the obvious ones, you can also install the lesser known download related plugins, as suggested below. Here goes;

    • Easy Media Download Helps in creating beautiful download buttons, and makes it extremely easy for users to download files from your website.
    • Download Monitor Helps in uploading and managing downloadable files, inserting download links into posts, tracking downloads, as well as displaying links.
    • Email Before Download Presents the users with a form for submitting their name and email address, before sending them the download.

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      Sliders & Widgets Plugins

      Sliders and Widgets plugins

      As a provider of web design services in Mumbai, we understand that sliders and widgets are crucial parts of any website, as they add aesthetic and functional benefits to it. However, just installing stylish sliders and highly useful widgets is not enough. You need to have certain smaller plugins which will support these sliders and widgets and give them the edge of beauty and practicality, which they may lack otherwise. Here are some lesser known plugins related to sliders and widgets;

      • Widget Logic Adds a 'widget_content' filter and lets you control on which pages the widgets will appear, using WP's conditional tags.
      • WP Slider Plugin Is a beautiful plugin which comes by default with a smart, responsive and configurable slider skin.
      • Meta Slider Is an Easy to use slider, which lets you create SEO optimized responsive slide shows with Nivo slider, Flex slider, Coin slider and Responsive slides.
      • WordPress Ad Widget Easily uploads ad images and ad code to the sidebar, with the help of a drag-and-drop-widget feature.
      • Enhanced Text Widget This enhanced version of the Text Widget supports Text, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flash, Shortcodes and PHP, with linkable widget title.

      Author & User Management Plugins

      Author and User Management plugins

      Your WordPress website may have multiple authors and a great number of users, which is why, it is advisable to have some resourceful plugins dedicated towards author and user management. These plugins will ensure that both your authors and users have a hassle-free experience while using your website. Here are some less commonly, but handy WordPress plugins for author and user management;

      • WP Help Helps in creating detailed, hierarchical documentation for the site's authors, contributors and editors, viewable in the WordPress admin.
      • Peter's Login Redirect Redirects users to different locations after logging in and logging out, and defines a set of redirect rules for users with specific roles and specific capabilities, while keeping a blanket rule for all other users.
      • New User Approve Allows the site administrator to approve a user before they are able to login to the website, at the time of registration.
      • Co-Authors Plus Helps in assigning multiple bylines to posts, pages and custom post types with the help of a search-as-you-type input box.
      • User Role Editor Makes it easier to add/edit/delete WordPress user roles and capabilities.
      • Simple History Shows any recent changes made by users, like new page creations, attachment uploads, comment approvals, etc, directly on your Dashboard or on a separate page.
      • Activity Log Tracks the activity of all your users activities, on the Dashboard of your website.
      • Nav Menu Roles Allows you to hide the custom menu items based on user roles.
      • Restrict User Access Conditionally restricts content and manages capabilities bu creating access levels for the users.
      • User Switching Allows you to quickly swap between user accounts in WordPress, with a single click.

      Security & Customer Management Plugins

      Security and Customer Management plugins

      The security of your website should be of utmost importance. Apart from choosing the best web hosting in India, you should ensure you have the right plugins to help you secure your website from all kinds of threats. Customer management should be the other thing you should give special attention to, as customer engagement will play a major role in improving the visibility of your website and increasing your search engine rankings. These less common but valuable WordPress plugins will take care of your websites security and enable better customer engagement.

      • Old Core Files Improves website security by checking and removing old core obsolete files, before hackers can exploit them.
      • Advanced Access Manager Allows you to manage and control access to your posts, pages, categories and backend area, on user, visitor and role levels.
      • WP Security Audit Log Lets you keep an audit log of all the changes and activities happening on your WordPress website.
      • Captcha by BestWebSoft Enables you to implement a super security Captcha form into different web forms.
      • WordPress Backup To Dropbox Helps you create a backup of the media and database of your WordPress website and saves it to your Dropbox, within minutes.
      • BBQ: Block Bad Queries Protects your WordPress website against malicious URL requests.
      • Bad Behavior Prevents spammers from delivering junk to your website, and in most cases, from reading your site at all.
      • WP-Polls Easily adds an AJAX poll system to your WordPress blog post/page.
      • WP Customer Reviews Allows you to setup a separate page on your WordPress website to receive customer reviews and testimonials for your business or services.
      • WP-CRM – Customer Relations Management for WordPress Improves user management by easily creating contact forms, and by keeping track of incoming short code form messages.

      Email Plugins

      Email plugins

      Email is an essential aspect of every website, especially when it comes to connecting with your customers and subscribers. So it's important that you have some cool email plugins installed which will make things simpler for you and help you connect with your customers better. Here are two lesser known email plugins which you can install on your WordPress website and make your life easier!

      • Email Address Encoder Encodes email addresses into decimal and hexadecimal entities and gives you good spam protection.
      • WP Email Login Best WordPress Lead Generation Plugin
      • OptinMonster Allows users to login with either their email address or username, making everything easy and convenient!

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      Custom Fields Plugins

      advanced custom fields plugin

      Your WordPress website will have dozens of fields depending on your requirements. Which is why it will never hurt to have some resourceful plugins which will help you manage your custom fields. While there are several plugins related to custom field management, only a few of them provide comprehensive support . We have listed two of the lesser known plugins here, which will take very good care of your custom fields. They are;

      • Advanced Custom Fields From visually creating your own fields, to selecting multiple input types and assigning your fields to multiple edit pages, this amazing plugin can do it all.
      • Custom Field Suite Includes over 12 different field types, including text, date, WYSIWYG, file upload and more, and comes with an extremely clean and intuitive admin UI that manages everything smoothly.

      Other Plugins

      Other plugins

      Apart from the above mentioned plugins, there are several other lesser known plugins which do not belong to any specific category, but are helpful in one way or the other, in the working of a WordPress website. Some of those include;

      • Error Log Monitor Adds a Dashboard widget that displays the latest messages from your PHP error log, and sends email notifications about newly logged errors.
      • Maps By Store Locator Plus Adds a direction finder or directory to your website within minutes and also comes equipped with an extensive premium add-on library.
      • Remove Query Strings From Static Resources Removes query strings from static sources like CSS and JS files and improves wordpress website speed scores in services like PageSpeed, YSlow, Pingdom, and GTMetrix.
      • Ajaxify WordPress Site (AWS) Ajaxifies your entire website, including your front end links.
      • Customizer Remove All Parts Allows you to remove the Customizer from your WordPress install, prevents any Customizer scripts from loading and removes all links and buttons to Customizer on the Dashboard and admin toolbar.
      • Customer Support System, Help Desk – WP Ticket Adds all the features of a complete ticket system with 100% responsive and Ajax functionality, allowing users to submit tickets, report problems and ask for support whenever required.
      • Give – WordPress Donation Plugin Provides powerful features that help in raising funds and accepting donations for various causes.
      • Content Aware Sidebars Helps in managing, creating and displaying custom sidebars, and boosting the on-site SEO with a better Calls-To-Action feature.
      • WPFront Notification Bar Allows you to create a bar on top or bottom, to display a notification.
      • Content Upgrades Helps in creating content upgrades or 'content specific bonuses' in your articles, which require your readers to subscribe to your email to get access to the bonus material.
      • Menu Limit Detector Attempts to detect server configurations that may limit the number of menu items that a user can save.
      • Print Friendly & PDF Button Automatically creates printer friendly and PDF versions of your pages without needing to create a print CSS file.
      • Thank Me Later Sends 'Thank You' emails to your commentators, after a pre-determined amount of time, as per your preference.
      • WP Help Helps site operators in creating detailed, hierarchical documentation for site authors, editors and contributors, viewable in the WordPress Admin panel.
      • Auto Terms of Service & Privacy Policy Includes your own information into a modified version of Automattic's 'Terms & Services' and 'Privacy Policy,' both available under the Creative Commons Sharealike license.
      • Change Table Prefix Changes the database default prefix (wp_) to another one, if it has not been changed at the time of installation.
      • WP- Optimize Extensively cleans and optimizes your WordPress database without requiring PHPMyAdmin to so.
      • WP Mobile Detect Allows the user to control when the content is shown or hidden, based on the visitor's device and operating system.
      • WPTouch Mobile Plugin Automatically adds a simple and elegant theme to your WordPress website and customizes it's appearance for your mobile visitors.
      • Asset Queue Manager Allows experienced frontend performance engineers to take control of and monitor, de queue and re queue scripts and styles enqueued on their website.
      • Login Logout Menu Lets you add a correct login/logout item menu with auto-switch, when user is logged in or logged out.
      • Seriously Simple Podcasting Uses a native WordPress interface and comes with minimal settings, to simplify the process of publishing content.
      • CDN Linker for WordPress & Magento Rewrites the links to static files in order to make them point to the CDN of your choice.
      • Math Captcha Seamlessly integrates into login, registration, comments, Contact Form 7, and bbPress.
      • Adminer A full-featured MySQL management tool written in PHP, this plugin helps in faster management of your database.
      • WP-Sweep Helps you in cleaning unused, orphaned and duplicated data, and also optimizes the database tables on your WordPress website.
      • Link Library Enables you to create a page on your website that will contain a list of all the link categories, including a complete list of links with descriptions and notes.
      • DuracellTomi's Google Tag Manager for WordPress This is a free tool from Google, which allows you to manage your analytics, PPC, and other code snippets using an intuitive web UI.

      Free Bonus: Click here to get access to a Free WordPress Plugins PDF that has a complete list of Amazing WordPress plugins from this post (The PDF also includes 22 BONUS PLUGINS you’ll not find here).


      Phew! Now that's what you call an encyclopedic list!

      So now that you’ve read about just how many useful plugins you didn’t even know existed, it's time to pick and choose the ones which you find the most suitable for your website. These WordPress plugins will ensure that your website stays ahead of the curve for the longest time possible.

      Think we’ve missed out on any resourceful plugin? Have your own suggestions to add to the list?

      Shoot us your opinion in the comments below.

      Copyright © 2015 Capsicum Mediaworks LLP

      The 125+ Best WordPress Plugins List is copyright of Capsicum Mediaworks, LLP. All rights reserved. This plugin list, or any part of it, may not be altered or reproduced in any format without a written permission from the writers.

      Blog Author
      Nirav Dave

      Nirav Dave is the Co-Founder & Partner at Capsicum Mediaworks, an SEO Agency based out of India that specializes in all things Web Design & WordPress Development. He Worships WordPress and Loves to read anything and everything about this exceptional CMS.

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    • Freddy Joe Freddy Joe November 2nd, 2019

      That’s great. Thanks for sharing the list.

    • Prodigitaly Prodigitaly August 14th, 2019

      Thanks a lot for sharing a list of Useful plugins . We have used few of them and they are very effective for websites.

    • Deven Deven August 14th, 2019


      How important is it to get the premium version of Yoast? Or is the free version sufficient?

      What is your suggestion about Rank Math SEO Plugin do you recommend rank math is this good for SEO?


    • Danial Wilson Danial Wilson February 21st, 2018

      Hi, you’ve done great job. These are very helpful for everyone.
      I wanna suggest you one more security WordPress plugin which is User Activity Log.
      It can track and monitor all the activities of users and team members, also you can set their roles. It will notifies whenever particular user logged in. It’s core features like, display activity, custom event log, display user details, filtering option, sorting option, password security, user role selection and much more are mind-blowing too.
      A lesser known but essential plugin.

    • Pankaj Dhawan Pankaj Dhawan March 28th, 2017

      You are rocking on this blog! this is my third comment and I couldn’t stop myself appreciating your hard work. This is yet another awesome post. Tweeting this one. 🙂

    • Priyam Baksi Priyam Baksi July 27th, 2016

      very nice plugins, every single one is awesome in its own way. I liked the images and video plugin. Since optimizing images for blogs in a serious matter for SEO.

      Thanks for sharing.

      • Nirav Dave Nirav Dave August 22nd, 2016

        Hi Priyam!

        Thanks. There are still many more out there. This is the reason we love WordPress 🙂

        Nirav Dave

    • Umer Prince Umer Prince May 4th, 2016


      I’ve bookmarked it for help to get more quality plugins for my clients of WordPress.

      Thanks for this effort, its really a good approach 🙂

      • Nirav Dave Nirav Dave May 9th, 2016

        Thanks Umer!

        I am glad this list is helping you.


    • samdani samdani March 7th, 2016

      If the the functionalities of plugins are unknown to anyone , he won’t be able to organize his/her website very nicely and effectively . In this article almost full percent of useful plugins to make site have been described . Thanks for sharing this nice topics here .

    • Carma Carma March 2nd, 2016

      Wow. This is a great and ever-so-helpful list! I am familiar with some of the plugins, but new to most of them. This will be a great resource. Thanks for putting this together!

      • Nirav Dave Nirav Dave March 5th, 2016

        Hi Carma,

        I am glad you like it and is helpful for you.

        Nirav Dave

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